
Each bodywork session starts with a general listening to locate the area that is holding the greatest tension.


Sessions can address a specific issue you are having, or promote general well being for your whole body. ​

My practice is rooted in the art of Listening. Listening to your tissues and to how your body responds to the bodywork.

We’ll look not only at the musculoskeletal system but also the viscera (organs), nervous and lymphatic systems. We can appreciate how all these structures interrelate with each other.

Massage & Bodywork Offerings


Deep Tissue, Visceral, Neural Manipulation, & Craniosacral

Experience a session dedicated to the softer side of your anatomy. Neural and visceral manipulation is a unique technique that assesses, listens and engages with the central and peripheral nervous system and surrounding viscera (organs and attaching structures ).

Bodywork sessions blends a variety of modalities to address tension and imbalances in the body. Focusing on muscles, attachment points of muscle and tendons, ligaments, and surrounding structures deep tissue can include myofascial work, trigger point, and neuromuscular release along with light touch connecting with the nervous system to elicit a deep relaxation and connection in the body.

Initial Session

90 minutes $200

This initial session includes intake, movement assessment in relationship to the organs, and manual therapy. Please wear loose fitting clothes, no leggings or tight jeans. Please refrain from eating 2 hours prior to your session.

Follow Up Sessions

60 minutes: $125
(3) 60 min Bodywork Sessions: $345

90 minutes : $175
(3) 90 min. Bodywork Sessions: $495

For more information on visceral or neural manipulation visit the Barral Institute.